Capacity Development

Advancing the skills and effectiveness of our educators to implement transformative changes effectively.

Empowering educators, enhancing student learning

At MGT, we collaborate with individual educators and teams at all levels—from the classroom to state offices of education– to identify opportunities for growth and deliver personalized support in direct response to needs. Recognizing educators’ commitment to professional development and growth, we provide tailored solutions, encompassing professional learning, coaching and modeling, and targeted resources, empowering partners to successfully implement strategies and structures proven to foster measurable student success.

Capacity Development Solutions

Coach Development

Impacting student outcomes at scale with a focus on gradual release from our first partnership day, developing on-site coach knowledge and skills to continue the efforts we provide long after our partnership concludes.

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District Leader Development

Equipping district leaders to teach and model inquiry-based processes to facilitate data-driven school transformation.

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School Leader Development

Investing in developing quality leaders dedicated to focused, coherent leadership, effective, student-centered instruction, and inclusive climates of collaboration.

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Teacher Development

Helping teachers proactively plan, maximize student engagement, push their students to high levels of achievement, and measure their impact in instructionally relevant ways.

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Team Development

Ensuring teams have the knowledge and skills to work together effectively, share knowledge and expertise, and increase instructional coherence while creating targeting plans that ensure their collective learning makes it into the classroom.

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Tangible Impact in Education

Education Projects Completed
Students Impacted Globally
Master Plans Delivered

Markets We Serve