Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Impactful tool to advance your organization.

Transform your operations with our cutting-edge SaaS solutions

Discover our comprehensive suite of SaaS tools designed to enhance efficiency, decision-making, and outcomes across various sectors. These innovative tools improve collaboration, optimize resources, ensure compliance, and provide clarity on key metrics, empowering professionals to make informed decisions, achieve high-quality outcomes, and excel in their fields.

Software as a Service (SaaS) Solutions


Bento is a free and easy-to-use data visualization tool that enables you to seamlessly navigate and comprehend survey data from teachers and principals at both national and state levels. Compare critical education metrics across states and districts to provide you with the clarity needed for shaping policy decisions.


BoundarEase allows you to make changes to your school attendance boundaries quickly and easily. As you make changes, you will be given instant and dynamic feedback on the impact of the changes you are making. BoundarEase gives your boundary change process unlimited “what-if” potential scenarios.


MGT’s cutting-edge, powerhouse Software as a Service (SaaS) cost allocation solution. Unleash the potential to revolutionize your financial processes with transparent, lightning-fast uploads, seamless grouping into cost pools, and precision-driven cost allocation like never before.


EdThrive is a dynamic software program designed by teachers, for teachers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of team meetings. If you have your sights set on driving high-quality instruction and enhanced student learning, you won’t want to miss out on EdThrive’s powerful time-saving features.


EquiZone is a robust yet simple redistricting tool that integrates seamlessly with ArcGIS Pro. Designed to help users create balanced zones using their own data, EquiZone makes it easy to aggregate and analyze attributes across different areas, ensuring equity and efficiency in your planning process.

MGT Flite

MGT Flite is an innovative education software for PK-12 schools, offering a color-coded system (Blue-Green-Yellow-Red) to easily track student progress, helping educators quickly assess academic status, identify needs, and support student achievement effectively.

School Site LOCATOR

SchoolSite Locator allows school district staff and parents to look-up what school your household is assigned to by simply clicking on a map or by typing in an address. SchoolSite Locator saves countless parents from the need to call the district for school assignments saving time and money.

School Site Pro

SchoolSite is a planning tool developed and used in-house by MGT and also empowers school planners with Geographic Information System (GIS) experience to create student forecasts and attendance area redistricting plans.

SaaS Solutions​
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